2019 Bill Beazell Memorial and Allen Robbins Memorial Tailwater Roundup
On Saturday March 23rd approximately 120 conservation minded volunteers spent the morning picking up litter and trash (with TVA donated trash bags/gloves) along the South Holston and Watauga River tailwaters. Their efforts resulted in 13,240 lbs of trash and 5,500 lbs of tires removed from within the water and along the river banks (in dumpsters donated by Orvis).
It was a cold start to the morning, but it warmed up to be a beautiful day. The TVA operations did the best they could to lower water flows in the tailwaters but unfortunately recent rains made it difficult to lower the flows along the South Holston. Watauga on the otherhand had little to no flow. Even so, the amount of trash/tires collected was more than last year.
The volunteer turnout was wonderful. And we thank the many Trout Unlimited members from Overmountain and Cherokee Chapters, local families, students, conservation groups and folks who make their living on the water for taking the time to help preserve our beautiful natural resources. As an appreciation for their efforts, volunteers got breakfast before they headed out for the cleanup and afterward were provided an appreciation dinner. During this dinner approximately 60 door prizes (including fly fishing float trips, fishing rods, sunglasses, etc) and many more giveaways (hats/t-shirts) were awarded to the volunteers. TWRA staff was on hand to provide update of current conditions in the tailwaters.
After dinner (and open to anyone who wished to attend for a small fee) the fly fishing film was presented. At intermission approximately 40 door prizes and silent auction items were awarded to film attendees.
A big “Thank You” goes out to all the local businesses who donated gift items and/or monies to help support this event (see below). Especially TVA for the the grant money which helped pay for the advertising, volunteer breakfast/dinner and fly fishing film.
Thank you to those who donated:
TVA, Orvis, South Holston River Lodge, South Holston River Company, EFO, Mahoney’s, Mountain Sports, Fish Monkey, Simms, Trophy Water Guide Service, Clackacraft Drift Boats, Foscoe Fishing Company, Mountain True, South Holston Angler, South Holston Fly Shop, Due South Outfitters, Highland Outfitters, Tennessee Fly Company, High Country Guide Service, Fly Fishing Guide Service(fishingsoho.com), Rock Treads, Langham and Sons Roofing, Watauga River Keeper, Korkers, Umpqua, Watauga River Lodge and Outfitter, Virginia Creeper Fly Shop, InsurePro, Southern Culture on the Fly, Chik-fil-a, Holston River Brewing Company
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