Meeting Minutes – September 16, 2013
Trout Unlimited – Cherokee Charter #577
Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2013
Present: see sign-in sheet (no guests)
Next meeting: October 21, 2013 at 6:00pm Ryan’s Steakhouse
I. Nominations and Election of Officers:
Nominations of Officers were announced as follows:
President:Jerry Whitted
VP:Mark Procopio
Secretary:Lori Paris
Treasurer:William (Butch) Clendenon
Board Chair:Allen Robbins
Webmaster:Steve Ayers
1yr Directors:Rick Hawk, Wayne Pike Don Reichart, David Truesdale
2 yr Directors:Russ Ambrose, Bill Durst, Jon Robbins, Bob Ross, Jennifer Procopio
Bob Ross made a motion to approve all nominees for the positions read; Paul Anderson 2nd the motion. All in attendance approved.
II. Discussions and Announcements:
A.Steve Fry informed Cherokee Chapter that our grant applications for the Trout in the Classroom ($5K and $3.6K) have been approved.
B.The Cherokee Chapter B-Cliff outing for Oct 4-6 has two more openings for the lodge accommodation. If filled cost per person would be $64.
C.All volunteers should turn into Butch (the Treasurer) a list of activities and hours worked for the fiscal year ending September 30th, if a sign-up sheet was not already available.
D.Allen Robbins was recognized for a job well done in his position as President for the last 2 years.
E.Treasury status currently is approximately $17K. A good portion of this amount is dedicated toward annual events, i.e. Kids Fishing Day, Stream Cleanup, Trout in the Classroom, etc.
F.NEEDED: Event Coordinator for the Kids Fishing Day. Butch would like to turn the reins over to another Chapter volunteer. Please contact Jerry Whitted with your interest and/or ideas.
G.Word has it that Mike Bacon has completed his chemo therapy and is on the mend. We hope to be hearing/seeing him soon.
II. Calendar Events:
Thursday NightsFly Tying at Greeneville High School 6pm (contact Bob Ross)
Sept 26 =Unicoi Town Hall meeting 6pm about “Friends of the Hatchery”; Chapter members encouraged to attend
Oct 4 =Erwin Nat’l Hatchery tour with Kingsport Boys/Girls Club (contact Lori Paris)
Oct 4-6 =B Cliff Cabins fishing scheduled for Cherokee Members (contact Allen Robbins)
Oct 19 =Saw Mill Branch day-lighting project – half day project beginning at 8am (contact Allen Robbins)
Oct 21 =Next Cherokee Chapter Meeting
Nov 9 =Stream clean-up in downtown Greeneville (contact Jerry Whitted)
III. Guest Speaker – Rick Murphree (TU TN Council Chairman)